As human beings, we have inherent, deep potentials for a life filled with joy, wisdom, love, for living in felt connectedness to each other for acting with justice and integrity, and for shaping our experience and our world towards the good of all.
Our potentials are frequently blocked in their full expression by emotional wounds, social conditioning, and simple unawareness or disbelief of what is possible for a human being. Lasting happiness and inner peace elude us. As Thoreau said, “Most... lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” We simply live and die, without knowing our purpose and without fulfilling our potential.
The path and teachings of Silsila Aalia Tawhidia offers keys to unlocking these human potentials while having the closeness of Allah. It uses the experience of mindful presence to catalyze the transformation of our being. The path is one of direct personal experience, rather than one of subscription to beliefs or premises, and the results are felt as a sense of spacious inner freedom, deep fulfillment, and fluid aliveness.
Practical benefits that are commonly experienced:
- To make a personal close personal relation with Allah and the deep love of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
- Reduced stress and anxiety, and greater emotional stability
- Greater self-confidence and self-acceptance
- Enhanced emotional and physical healing
- Deeper insight into life and human nature
- Improved concentration and mental clarity
- Enhanced problem-solving ability and creativity
- Greater compassion and tolerance, which manifests in speaking and acting with integrity under all circumstances
These are not the goals of our practice; they are natural results of unfolding ourselves as the human beings. Our ultimate goal is to get propitiation of sighting of Allah.
We offer our rich heritage of Sufi teachings for those whose heart’s desire it is to uncover their true nature and purpose in life.